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Vertical Hoops Fall ChampionshipsOctober 27-29, 2023
Housing Coordinator: Joanna Vanderslice
As a free service to our guests, we will assist you with your hotel accommodations. This service is being provided to give discounted rates and to simplify the hotel reservation process by saving you time by allowing you to set up a block of rooms 24/7.
Team Managers/Admins are asked to follow these 4 steps to secure hotel rooms for their team. Please make one block per team.
Team blocks are designed to hold rooms on a courtesy basis to allow families to book their hotel rooms on their own credit cards at the same hotel with the rest of the team.
1. Scroll down and select the hotel that best suits you/your family
*You will have to create an account to make a reservation. (You are finished once you enter your billing information and click finalize)
*Your card is not charged until you check in at the hotel.
Are you looking for some fun activities to do while you are in the Mohegan Sun area? Check out our things to do page.
Check-in: 4 PM Check-out: 11 AM
Check-in: 4 PM Check-out: 11 AM